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Town and Country Planning Act (No. 42 of 1957)

The Act makes provision for the orderly and progressive development of land, cities, towns and other areas whether urban or rural, to preserve and improve the amenities thereof in Jamaica.

Active transparency (Section 11(4)

Every local planning authority shall keep, in such manner as may be prescribed by the development order, a register containing such information as may be so prescribed with respect to applications for permission made to such authority, including information as to the manner in which such applications have been dealt with; and every such register shall be available for inspection by the public at all reasonable hours. 

Participation in activities and projects (Section 11(3))

A development order may regulate the manner in which applications for permission to develop land are to be dealt with by local planning authorities, and in particular for requiring the local planning authority, before granting or refusing permission for any development, to consult with such authorities or persons as may be prescribed by the order or by directions given by the Minister.

Participation in plans, programmes and policies (Sections 5(3) and 6)

Provisional development orders: The Town and Country Planning Authority shall cause to be published in the Gazette and at intervals of not less than seven nor more than ten days in three issues of a local daily newspaper, a notice specifying that the Authority has prepared a provisional development order; specifying some place within such locality or as near thereto as may be convenient where the provisional development order and the plan or statements relating thereto may be inspected without fee during such period (not being less than fourteen days after the last publication of the notice in a local daily newspaper) as may be specified in such notice upon such days and at such times as may be so specified; specifying the name and address of some person from whom copies of the provisional development. order and of the plan or statements may be obtained on payment of a reasonable fee; and stating that provision is made for the making of objections to the provisional development order. Every interested person may object to any provisional development order upon the ground that such order is for any reason impractical or unnecessary or that it is against the interests of the economic welfare of the locality to which the provisional development order relates.

Tree and woodland preservation orders: Before making regulations, notice shall be given to the owners and occupiers of the land affected by any such order and objections and representations with respect to the proposed order duly made in accordance with the regulations shall be considered.