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Disaster Risk Management Act (No. 1 of 2015)

The Act makes provisions for the management and mitigation of disaster, the reduction of risks associated with disaster and for connected matters in Jamaica.

Active transparency (Sections 8 and 17)

The Director-General shall conduct programmes of public information and education on the mitigation of, preparedness for, response to, and recovery from emergency situations and disasters. It shall liaise with each local authority and with persons and organizations in each parish and Municipality for the purpose of exchanging information and facilitating the harmonization of policies. The Draft National Response Coordination Plan shall include procedures for informing persons, bodies and the public of the existence of an emergency situation or a disaster. Parish Disaster Management Plans shall ensure that communities in the parish are made aware of ways to prepare, mitigate, respond and recover from a disaster.

Participation in plans, programmes and policies (Section 5)

The Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management shall encourage and support disaster preparedness and mitigation measures in all parishes in collaboration with the local government authorities, community-based organizations and non-governmental organizations. 

Environmental education (Section 5)

The Office shall provide appropriate training programmes and consulting services related to all aspects of disaster preparedness, disaster mitigation, loss reduction, disaster assessment and disaster management. It shall plan and implement programmes to enhance public awareness and understanding of disaster related issues, emergency management, hazard mitigation and other similar matters. The Office shall also conduct public education programmes and seek to secure public cooperation and participation in achieving planned objectives.