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Ministry of the Environment Act (No. 39 of 2019)

This Act establishes the Ministry of the Environment in The Bahamas and sets out its responsibilities and those of the Minister. Among its functions, the Ministry shall publish environmental data and promote public participation in environmental matters.

Active transparency (Section 4) / Environmental education

The functions of the Ministry include to determine the process by which environmental policies are made, developed, known, publicised, enforced and implemented; to provide and disseminate information and services designed to promote environmental policies, including environmental education and mechanisms for promoting effective public participation in environmental planning and to set standards for collecting, storing, retrieving, analising and publishing environmental data.

Public participation (Sections 4 and 5)

The Ministry advises the Minister on all matters relating to the environment and environmental administration, including effective means of ensuring public participation in the formulation of environmental policy and the processes of environmental planning and protection in order to assist in decision making.

The Minister is responsible for encouraging and facilitating the participation of persons, non-governmental organisations and local communities in matters relating to the environment.
