Disaster Risk Management Act (No. 1 of 2015)
The Act makes provisions for the management and mitigation of disaster, the reduction of risks associated with disaster and for connected matters in Jamaica.
The Act makes provisions for the management and mitigation of disaster, the reduction of risks associated with disaster and for connected matters in Jamaica.
The objects of this Act are to reinforce and give further effect to certain fundamental principles underlying the system of constitutional democracy, such as governmental accountability, transparency, and public participation in national decision-making, by granting to the public a general right
The Act makes provision for the establishment and operation of a co-ordinated legal aid system in Jamaica and establishes a Legal Aid Council to administer legal aid.
These regulations set out rules and procedures regarding licenses and permits pursuant to the Natural Resources Conservation Act of Jamaica.
The Act establishes the Natural Resources Conservation Authority and sets out its functions, which include the effective management of the physical environment and the promotion of public awareness of the ecological systems of Jamaica and their importance to the social and economic life of the Is
The Constitution of Jamaica ensures the right to enjoy a healthy and productive environment free from the threat of injury or damage from environmental abuse and degradation of the ecological heritage.
The Act makes provision for the orderly and progressive development of land, cities, towns and other areas whether urban or rural, to preserve and improve the amenities thereof in Jamaica.