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Town and Country Planning Act (No. 45 of 1992)

This Act enables the orderly and progressive development of land and the proper planning of town and country areas in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

Active transparency (Sections 9 and 11)

Information on plans: A written statement containing the policies and proposals of the Board in relation to the planning of the use and development of the area with which the plan is concerned and any maps, diagrams, or other illustrative or descriptive matter shall be published in the manner prescribed by the regulations.

Register: The Board shall maintain a register of all applications, appeals, decisions, and other allied matters, and the register shall be open for inspection by the public at the office of the Board during its normal working hours together with all maps and plans submitted with any application.

Participation in environmental matters (Section 7(2))

The Physical Planning and Development Board may, for the purpose of performing its functions, consult with or obtain advice from other persons and engage the assistance of other persons for any general or particular purpose. 

Participation in activities and projects (Sections 16 and 17)

Notice of application for planning permission shall be published in the Gazette inviting observations from interested persons. In considering an application, the Board shall take into account any representations made by any member of the public and any other material considerations. 

Participation in plans, programmes and policies (Sections 13 and 14)

Before according approval of or making modifications to any plan, the Minister shall cause to be published in two issues of the Gazette a notice indicating that a plan has been prepared by the Board; stating the place where the plan may be inspected; fixing a period of not less than 28 days within which objections or representations may be made. Any objections or representations shall be made in writing. The Minister shall designate any competent person to make a report after due enquiry and shall consider the objections or representations before making final orders. Where the Minister has approved a plan or modification, he shall cause notice to be published in two issues of the Gazette stating the place where the public may make an inspection of the relevant papers.

Right to appeal (Sections 18 and 27)

Any person who is aggrieved by an enforcement notice may appeal before the Appeal Tribunal.

Any person who is aggrieved by a decision of the Board may appeal to the Minister against the decision.
