The Act provides for the mitigation of, preparedness for, response to and recovery from emergencies and disasters in Saint Lucia.
Active transparency (Sections 5(3), 10 and 11)
The Director of the National Emergency Management Organisation shall gather timely and authoritative information concerning the conditions and trends in the quality of the environment, both current and prospective, as these relate to the likelihood of disasters in Saint Lucia. Such information shall be analysed and interpreted to determine whether such conditions or trends are interfering or likely to interfere with the achievement of the Act.
An annual report related to the mitigation of, preparedness for, response to and recovery from emergencies and disasters in Saint Lucia shall be published in the Official Gazette.
The National Emergency and Disaster Response Plan shall include procedures for informing the public in Saint Lucia and elsewhere of the existence or and the state of affairs during an alert, a declaration of disaster, a declaration of state of emergency or a notice evacuation or the existence of an emergency or disaster.
Participation in plans, programmes and policies (Sections 5(3) and 8(1))
The Director of the National Emergency Management Organisation shall liaise with persons and organizations within and outside Saint Lucia for the purpose of exchanging information and facilitating the harmonisation of policies of such persons and organizations with those of the Government of Saint Lucia.
National Emergency Management Advisory Committee: shall comprise those persons or organizations as the Minister thinks fit who volunteer or are required by law to functions related to disaster management.
Environmental education (Section 5(3))
The Director of the National Emergency Management Organisation shall conduct programmes of public information and education on the mitigation of, preparedness for, response to and recovery from emergencies and disasters.