This Act provides for the establishment of the Climate Resilience Execution Agency of Dominica (CREAD) in order to rebuild Dominica as the first climate resilient nation. It shall ensure that Dominica will be more resilient to natural hazards and better able to respond to climate-related disasters and assist the public and private sectors and civil society to be better equipped to manage and recover from climate-related disasters.
Active transparency (Sections 5, 9 and 11(2))
The functions of the Dominica Climate Resilience Policy Board include advising the Government on the promotion, through public messaging or other means, of the measures needed to make Dominica a climate resilient nation in all sectors.
The CREAD has as its functions to promote the development of Dominica as a climate resilient nation by disseminating relevant information throughout the public and private sectors and by other means. It shall provide publicly accessible web-based and other monitoring of the progress of projects.
Participation in environmental matters (preamble and Section 2) / Indigenous peoples / Gender
“Community engagement” includes discussions with representatives of Indigenous Peoples, non-governmental organisations, women, persons with disabilities and the elderly.
It is intended that CREAD shall serve the interests of the nation of the Commonwealth of Dominica as a whole, giving due consideration to the needs of persons who are vulnerable on account of their age, gender or disability, and that CREAD shall operate to the highest standards of transparency, financial management, accountability, gender-inclusiveness and community engagement.
Participation in activities and projects (Section 11(2))
The CREAD shall efficiently and effectively carry out its annual operational plan and annual business plan and operate in accordance with the highest standards of transparency, financial management, accountability and community engagement. It shall ensure that there is community engagement in the design, implementation and evaluation of all projects managed by it; public consultations are held for communities affected by large scale infrastructure projects; and (c) it holds stakeholders’ forum meetings at least twice a year to engage in dialogue with, and receive feedback from, civil society, the private sector, and other interested individuals on its work and proposed work plan.
Participation in plans, programmes and policies (Sections 5, 6 and 12(4))
The functions of the Dominica Climate Resilience Policy Board include to develop in consultation with CREAD and other experts, and to approve, the Dominica Climate Resilience and Recovery Plan which shall specify recovery priorities, targets and goals for Dominica. The Board may appoint a sub-committee or co-opt any person to attend its meetings for the purpose of assisting or advising it.
The Executive Management Committee of the CREAD may appoint a sub-committee or co-opt any person to attend its meetings for the purpose of assisting or advising it.
Gender (preamble)
It is desirable that due regard be had to applying the principles of gender equality in the structure and operation of CREAD. It is understood for this purpose that “gender equality” means that women, men, girls and boys enjoy the same human rights status, have equal opportunities, equal access and control over resources and equal participation in decision making.